Stewardship 2022

Tis the Season for Giving…our gifts to God, and God’s Church.

For many reasons, our church has not had a formal “stewardship time” in several years. The pandemic certainly hampered our ability to do a formal “campaign.” The mounting responsibilities of trying to keep the church up and running took more time and energy than usual. However, when we think about it more deeply, stewardship isn’t meant to be about our pledges for membership in an organization. It’s meant to be a way of life that is characterized by giving and receiving. Our faith teaches this explicitly.

During each of the four Sundays in Advent there will be an opportunity to bring our Personal commitment cards to Christ and Christ’s ministries in our church. (The cards are on the table in the narthex). To help our members discern what God may be calling each of us to offer, there is a daily devotional available to everyone via email. There are also copies in the narthex. (If anyone would like a copy sent via the post office, please contact Carol Ann.)

The devotions and weekly reflections will lead us to our “acts of giving” for the life and mission of First Presbyterian Church, at each Advent worship service. Our pledges will be formally dedicated to Christ’s service, on December 18th during worship.